An evenly spun virgin wool yarn from the Peruvian Andes. Dyed in Germany using vegetable dyes such as indigo, birch leaves, cochineal, and cutch. Coloured without metal salts. This beautiful 4 ply yarn is perfect for so many craft projects.
Size: 100g skein
Running length: 175m
Yarn type: 4-ply, Nm 7/4
Needle size: 4mm
Colours: 21: brass, 25: pine forest, 26: indigo, 31: bordeaux, 36: emerald, 38: oak
Brand: Seehawer Naturfasern
Fibre composition: 100% new wool
Origin of Fibre: Peru
Production: Spun in Peru
Machine Washable: No (see our )
Care: Gentle handwash only with wool shampoo. For easy handwashing try one of our .